Saturday, November 26, 2016

What Happened To Special Education Inclusion?

Many years ago, it was a goal for our country to integrate Special Education children into our school systems. This would involve great expense, and challenges. The goal was a worthy one, that would allow the stigma of "Mental Retardation" to be challenged by our society. For the districts that embraced the initiative, special education students were interwoven into school life. Finally, they fully participated in the process.

Fast forward to today.The cheaper, more cost efficient standardized testing movement has reversed the gains of Special Education Inclusion. Specialized classrooms were brought back, and teaching practices have changed for our schools. While improved from out past practices, they still segregate children from their kindergarten cohorts. At times, this could include long bus rides to specialized programs outside of their home district.

Cost is a factor. Hard to justify a classroom on one. Yet, is it the best we can do? Are there strategies we have not explored. Did we give the goal of Special Education Inclusion time enough to develop? The social aspect is clear. Without integration, we fear what we do not see. The stigma for people with disabilities is very real. The lack of opportunities to have relationships causes more harm than good. Hopefully, one day we can re-embrace Special Education Inclusion. Our kids would benefit from the experience. All kids need to be included.